- A course is a sequence of studies, consisting of set of modules which a batch is expected to complete according to the pre-determined schedule.
- Admission to any course/ program is based on SOFT’s screening and eligibility norms as defined from time to time. SOFT reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant without assigning any reason whatsoever.
- Conformation to any defined admission criterion is not a guarantee for admission.
- An applicant’s admission to a course/ program is confirmed only on full payment of applicable fees. In case a change of course/ program is allowed by SOFT, admission is confirmed only on payment of the applicable fees.
- The admission of an applicant to a program is not transferable to any other individual.
- An admission to a specific program cannot be converted into a admission for any other course / program unless explicitly authorized by the Principal at SOFT.
- A student who has registered for a program / course is implied to have understood –
- The contents of the program / course
- The obligations of students (As stated in student’s handbook)
- For admission to program which require certain pre-requisites to be fulfilled, where the absence of such pre-requisites would adversely affect the learning of the student from the program. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that those requirements have been adequately met.
- If any eligibility certificate is found to be bogus at any stage during the course then the admission granted to the student shall stand cancelled automatically upon such disclosure and the institute shall reserve it’s right to take necessary appropriate legal action against such student.
Fee Details
- All fees to be paid by Demand Draft drawn in favor of “School Of Fashion Technology”, payable at Pune.
- On confirmation of admission, the student is required to pay the prevalent course fee for the concerned course / program.
- If any instrument of payment offered by a student were dishonored by the concerned financial institution, the student would have to pay penalty of Rs.250/-. The student would have to pay the due amount as well as penalty within 2 days of the intimation of the dishonor. Failing to do so, the student would be charged as Late Fee of Rs.100/- day (inclusive of holidays) for the delay, up to a maximum of 15 days, from the date when the payment was due.
- Failure to pay an installment and the Late Fee, within the 15-day grace period defined above, would lead the student’s name being automatically struck off the rolls and the student would not be permitted to attend the classes.
- Please note written notification and necessary permission regarding installment may be availed. In genuine cases management reserves the right to be provided necessary concessions to the candidate who applies in wrinting for the same.
- In exceptional cases, a student whose name has struck off the rolls, might be permitted to continue with her course, but only on payment of the appropriate penalty. Late fee and the balance course fee, if any, at the discretion of the Principal, SOFT.
- SOFT reserves the right to make any changes in the fee structure from time to time. All such changes would be binding on old and new students alike.
- Refund & Cancellation and privacy policy
Identity Card
- Each student would be issued an Identity Card on admission to SOFT.
- The Identity Card would valid only if it contains the student’s name and registration number, along with her recent photograph, stamped and signed by the Principal of SOFT.
- The Identity Card is valid only for the duration of the program admitted for.
- Students are advised to display their identity card on their person at in person when they are in SOFT.
- In case of loss of the Identity Card, a duplicate Identity Card would be issued on receipt of a written request and payment of Rs.100/- only.
Methodology, Schedules and Attendance
- The medium of instruction for all courses is normally English only.
- In addition to academic activities at SOFT home assignments – reading, exercises and project work form an integral part of the learning process. The completion of the home assignments before attending a classroom session is a pre-requisite for an effective learning process. In case a student does not follow this strictly, she would not be able to get the best out of the program.
- Each program is conducted according to pre-defined course milestones which are communicated to students periodically. These milestones define the date and time of all major activities during the program.
- Each program would be assigned a Course Coordinator who would be responsible for all the academic expects during the program.
- The student is expected to complete a program with the batch in which she is admitted.
- The student is expected to maintain 75% attendance in all sessions, to get the full benefit of the program.
- The student should discuss the implications of any unavoidable absence, with the Coordinator and work out a plan of corrective action well in advance. The consideration shall be in the limit of 75% only.
- In case the attendance of a student falls below 80% for any module, she would be debarred from taking examinations for that module. Necessary Concessions shall be extended only in accordance to the norms set by University and MKSSS Management.
- In case the student is absent for 4 consecutive sessions in the program, the student would be considered as having dropped out of the program. For continuing with the program in such a case, the student would be governed by the COURSE DROPOUT AND TRANSFER Rules.
- SOFT reserves the right to make any change/ updation in the course / program through changes in the methodology and content.
- Any change in specifications of a course / programs would be binding on all past, current and future students of the same course / program at SOFT.
- Assignments, practice exercises, projects, seminars, etc. may be assigned to groups of students as determined by the Faculty / Course Coordinator. For exercises on the computer, student groups would be allocated fixed slots of computer time within which they would be expected to finish the assigned exercise or projects.
- As most of the course syllabus is practical oriented, students are advised to follow all the attendance rules to gain maximum knowledge in order to enter the professional world outside after completion of the course / program.
- A student shall be constantly evaluated during the course / program, through examinations, would include written tests, project presentations, viva-voce, role-plays, etc. In addition, evaluation might also be based on class participation, day-to-day presentation, homework, projects, etc. as defined from time to time.
- The student should have to be present at the venue of a scheduled examination, at least 10 minutes before the commencement of the examination.
- A student should not fail to appear for a scheduled examination for any reason other than medical. In such a case she would be permitted to appear in only re-examination, on a specified date.
- To be eligible for re-examination she would have to submit a written application, along with a medical certificate, to the course coordinator within 7days from the scheduled date of examination which she had missed.
- Missing a scheduled examination would be treated as absent.
- Pass marks for an examination would be 50% of the full marks for the examination or as defined by the Principal at SOFT. If a student fails, to obtain pass marks in an examination, she would have to appear for a re-examination. However, only one re-examination would be allowed per subject.
- A student would be allowed to sit for a re-examination for grade improvement provided the request for re-examination is received by the coordinator within seven days of the result declaration. Such a re-examination would be counted as one of the three re-examinations allowed during the program.
- Evaluation of tests / examinations and assignments by the faculty for the purpose of assessment shall be final and binding on the student. No complaint in this regard will be entertained.
Transcripts and Certification
- The student’s overall performance in a course / program would be based on the weighted aggregate of her score in each of the scheduled examinations / presentations. The weightage structure would be as defined from time to time.
- The student would be awarded a transcript only on passing in all the subjects (i.e. on securing 50% or more in all examinations or as otherwise defined by the Principal at SOFT).
- The transcript will be issued on demand by paying the application fee.
- The student would not be awarded a transcript / certificate in case of any outstanding dues, acts of indiscipline or attendance less than the minimum stipulated or any other breach of norms / rules of conduct during the progress of the course / program.
- In case of loss of a transcript or certificate, a duplicate would be issued only on receipt of a written request, subject to the approval of the Principal and on the payment of the applicable fee.
Statute of Limitation
- The Admission of a student to a course / program would be valid only up to the normal expire of the admission or on cancellation or on expiry of the Statute of Limitation, whichever is earlier.
- A normal expiry of admission occurs once the student receives the certification for the course / program admitted to, unless disqualified earlier due to a violation of norms / rules of conduct as defined at SOFT from time to time.
- The Statute of Limitation for a course / program at SOFT would be as defined by the Principal at SOFT, from time to time.
Cancellation of Admission
- Non-payment of an installment by the due date by a student paying the course fee would lead to the student’s admission being cancelled.
- The student is expected to maintain proper discipline and decorum at SOFT. Non-adherence / violation of any such norms of behavior could lead to the student’s admission being cancelled.
- A student’s admission to a course / program at SOFT would stand cancelled on account of a failure to display continuing and participative interest in the conduct of education and all allied processes.
- A student whose admission is cancelled through invocation of one or more of the clauses under this section dealing with CANCELLATION OF ADMISSION or any other definition, would be debarred from attending any course / program at SOFT with immediate effect and indefinitely.
Course Dropout and Transfer
- A student is expected to complete her course with the batch she has been admitted to. A discontinuity in the course / program admitted to, or a transfer from one course to another is not advisable. However, in the event of a personal emergency, a course transfer might be permitted at the sole discretion of the Principal SOFT on receipt of a written request from the student and the payment of the prescribed transfer fee. This facility would be allowed only once during the entire period of course / program.
- A transfer into a specific program, if allowed would be subject to the availability of vacant seats in the batch and also on the equivalence between the earlier course / program admitted to, and the new course / program transferred into. All such transfers would be subject to the end date of the new course / program failing within the student’s Statute of Limitation.
- The student is required to provide the following at the time of transferring into the new batch:
- Proof of original admission, in the form of the Money Receipt for the course fee payment and production of the Identity Card issued in the earlier course / program.
- Documentary proof of permission being granted for the course / program transfer.
- Any student not requesting permission for a break/ transfer within the stipulated period of the last session attended would be deemed to have dropped out of the course / program. Such a student wishing to continue the course / program would have to seek permission in writing, which would be granted solely at the discretion of the Principal of SOFT. Once permission is granted for such a transfer, the student would have to pay the prescribed Transfer Fee before joining the new program.
- The Batch Transfer Fee is currently as Rs.5000/-only. However, this is subject to change, at the discretion of the Principal at SOFT.
- Transfer to another course is NOT a fundamental or any other right of the student but is a sole discretion of the Principal at SOFT from case to case and availability of seats.
- If the student wishes to leave the course in the middle of the course, then student should inform her intensions in writing addressing to ‘The Principal’.
- For SOFT-Autonomous courses/ programs issued and initiated in the technical collaboration with NIFT, the fee refund rules as per management discretion.
- For SOFT-SNDT course/ program, the fee will be refunded as per the refund rules of the SNDT University, Mumbai
- The Caution Money Deposit is refundable only after completion of the program, subject to no dues clearance from all the departments.
- If yearly fees are not paid in full, the student shall not be entitled for any refund of fees at any point of time.
- CET fees once paid are not refundable.
- Any other refund viz. Library Deposit or any other deposit money, other than caution money, shall be refunded to the student as per the rules applicable per case.
- Voluntary dropout student shall not be entitled for any type of refund of fees.
- The institute shall not be liable for refund of any fee in circumstance in case of a rusticated student.
Industrial Visit, Training, Craft Documentation, Fashion Shows
- Industrial Visit, Internship Training, Craft Documentation, Fashion Shows, etc. are the part of the course curriculum as defined in the prospectus. It is compulsory and non optional.
- Students are expected to bear all the cost of their visit, training, etc.
- Students are expected to make all the arrangements viz. accommodation, travelling, procurement of the raw material on their own risk.
- SOFT is not responsible for any untoward incidents during their Industrial Visit, Internship Training, Craft Documentation or in Fashion Shows.
- SOFT does reserve the right to make any change in its program.
Internship Assistance
- Admission to a course / program at SOFT does not guarantee a placement to the student. SOFT offers guarantee, explicitly or implicitly, to any student for getting her job on completion of a course / program.
- It must be understood that visiting organizations recruit student on the basis of merit as measured by them. This implies that the student must prepare herself through participation in the academic process, uses of lab, library, internet, computing facilities available and through intensive studies.
- The SOFT Placement Assistance Cell would provide placement assistance, through Corporate Recruitment Program, to every student under its purview. This is an additional service available to all students undergoing career courses at SOFT.
- Placement assistance would be offered to students only on achievement of predefined minimum levels of marks in all course / program milestones and subject to her admission not being cancelled.
- To avail the placement assistance, the student must abide by all rules and regulations as defined by the Placement Assistance Cell.
- Placement Assistance is extended to a student up to a period of one calendar month from the last day of scheduled classes of the course / program to which she has been admitted. It is deemed to have been completed when the student is offered a placement by a recruiting organization or at the end of the one month period defined above, whichever is earlier.
- Continuing interest and participation in all the academic activities at SOFT, complete cooperation with organizations offering placement opportunities and with the Placement Team of SOFT by the student, are essentials for Placement Assistance to be delivered.
- The SOFT Placement Cell reserves the right to decide whether or not a student can avail of the Corporate Recruitment Program.
Student Appraisal
- Seminar Project Reports and all other items of student appraisal executed at SOFT are non-returnable.
- Students are expected to keep the copy of the project report with them for their use.
Communication to Students
- Any changes of rules and regulations at SOFT which affect students would be communicated through the Students’ Notice Board at SOFT.
- It would be student’s responsibility to apprise herself or these communications from time to time, irrespective of whether the student is attending or not classroom sessions at SOFT.
- In order to improve the quality of services provided to students, SOFT actively appreciates and acts upon feedback from students on the services available.
- Students can approach the Principal at SOFT for assistance and guidance.
- Student’s Feedback on the conduct and coverage of course / program modules would be sought through formal feedback sessions during the course/ program. In order to enable the Principal at SOFT to act on the feedback, it is imperative that the student be objective when providing the feedback.
Lab Sessions
- All the students should display the SOFT ID Card at all times in the lab.
- Students are expected to handle computers and at allied equipments with care. Any loss arising from mishandling of equipments would be the responsibility of the concerned student. The student would have to provide compensation as decided by the Principal at SOFT for any changes arising from the mishandling of equipment.
- Students are encouraged to use Lab facilities beyond regular class hours for hands-on exposure. The lab facilities would, however, be available beyond class hours only if adequate interest is displayed by students for availing such facilities.
- It is the responsibility of the student to use the library facilities on regular basis.
- Membership of the library would be made available to the students of SOFT. This membership of the library would not be transferable.
- The student would be required to abide by all rules of the library as defined from time to time, available with the Library-In-Charge.
- Library members would be allowed to borrow only one book at a time for a period as defined from time to time by the Library-in-Charge. In case of delay in returning the book borrowed from the library beyond the date or return/renewal, a late fee of Rs.15/- per day per book would be charged. Late fee accruing above Rs.75/- would result in library facilities being withdrawn for the student.
- Any book, magazine or printed material borrowed by the student, which is lost or mutilated, would have to be replaced by the student with a new copy. In case the student fails to do so, she would have to pay the cost of replacement as determined by the Library-in-Charge and face other penalties as might be deemed by the Principal.
- Some of the reading books in the library would be marked as Reference Copy. Reference material would not be issued from the library under any circumstances.
- Students are expected to maintain proper discipline and decorum at SOFT. Students should maintain a harmonious relationship with all other students and should set an exemplary standard of integrity, discipline and application at SOFT.
- There may be changes in the schedule, postponement and cancellation of the sessions conducted in classes or laboratories.
- The classes may be shifted to other premises within the city boundaries.
- Ragging of any kind of physical / mental is strictly prohibited.
- Complaints against ragging/ abuses to be filed within 24 hours from the incidence.
- Students are not allowed to behave in such a manner out of the premises of the institute which would affect the reputation of the institute and the management shall be entitled to take the necessary disciplinary action against such student.
- Students are not permitted to upload any matter, related to the institute (including and not limited to photographs or creating a web page in the name of the institute), on any of the public social networks without prior written permission of the institute.
- For the Theft in the SOFT premises and hostel premises, SOFT has no liability, but if done by the student within the premises, then management has every right to suspend the student for one semester or under severe circumstances shall have right to rusticate the student from the course/ program she has been admitted to.